On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Ray Saintonge <sainto...@telus.net> wrote:

> I don't regularly use Commons, but when I went to fill in the answer at
> "Other" for why I don't use it the survey crashed.

I got an error message after submitting the page with text in the
'other' field too. I thought it might be because I had a '/' character
in there. It did allow me to carry on and complete the survey, though.

I agree with others that the survey has problems.

On the question where it asks what my contributions are in terms of
various file types, most of them I had *never* contributed so I
checked the 'rarest' button. However, this meant I had nowhere to go
but up when it came to pictures... I would say it's *extremely* rare
for me to upload a picture but I ticked the 'quite rare' rather than
'very rare' so as to distinguish something I *had* done from the
things I have *never* done.

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