On Sep 26, 2009, at 9:32 PM, Samuel Klein wrote:

> Do you think we will be in a position to run a second usability
> project of similar scope, two years from now, entirely from within the
> community?

Are you sure that's the best option?  Playing devil's advocate, does  
doing something entirely internal provide the necessary "outside look"  
at the software that's important to finding out, for instance, what a  
potential new user thinks about the interface or redesigning functions  
with non-contributing readers in mind?  I don't mean to intimate that  
we should use entirely external people for this, of course, as I'm a 4  
year member of the community, but I think doing anything that's  
entirely from within the community brings its own unique set of  
challenges.  You seem to imply that it's a settled case that we would  
WANT to do that, and I'm not sure it is.


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