
> Right...where can I go to download the full history English  
> Wikipedia dump?

It is being done!

> Still doesn't work.  And yes, it needs an executive level decision,  
> and it
> needs a kick in the ass from the board to get the executive level to  
> make
> that decision.

That work is being done at the moment, I'd think that it is being  
handled properly. On the other hand, I'm no longer in position of  
judging that from above, and can enjoy fully not caring ;-)

> How many millions of dollars were left unspent by the tech team a  
> couple
> years ago?

How many?

> It's not resolved.  And even if it got resolved today, that'd still  
> be three
> years too late.

We're how many years late with WYSIWYG? :)

> And whose fault is that?  The fault of the CTO, which is in turn the  
> fault
> of the board.

Why are you looking for faults? CTO had to operate under constraints  
set by financial management, financial management was done based on  
conservative non-profit operation model.

> No "rationalization"?  I can't say I understand what you're asking  
> for.  The
> dumps will be fixed when *one person* is put in charge of fixing  
> them, and
> when that person has at least several hours a week to dedicate to  
> the task.

Is that something I don't know? Thats exactly what I was telling to  
anyone interested. Thanks for repeating what I said :)

> The dumps aren't like encyclopedia articles.

Thats lots and lots of encyclopedia articles!

> You can't have a bunch of
> people adding little things here and there and expect a working  
> product, and
> it's unrealistic to expect someone to take charge of this sort of  
> thing for
> free, especially in the current economy.

You seem to have entirely failing understanding of motivation  
technology volunteers can have.
We have amazing project work done on search by Robert, toolserver  
operation by River, do note, how much work on CDN infrastructure that  
was done by Mark, or simply all the work done before by Brion and Tim.

Whole our technology infrastructure is built by people who have insane  
amount of project-derived motivation. You seem not to notice it. Pity.

On the other hand, it isn't "someone to take charge ... for free", it  
is just some work that motivates too much, and Tomasz does great job  
at it, even though he doesn't entirely forfeit his social life to have  
this move faster :)


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