On 9/4/09 1:01 AM, Bod Notbod wrote:
> 2. On many videos, if not most, it is impossible to see the content of
> the slides. Could videos be uploaded in higher resolution? Obvious
> downsides: larger file size, more bandwidth required. Or maybe all
> presenters could be encouraged to upload their presentation slides (I
> know some already do this) so people can view along as they listen to
> the audio of the talk.

Higher-res versions would be very nice, but would have been much harder 
to get done and uploaded as quickly. :) Maybe next year, when we've got 
more of the new video upload support in place!

I would definitely encourage everybody to upload slides and link them 
with the video versions; PDF slides can be uploaded directly to Commons 
and can now be viewed inline as well as downloading them.

> 3. On the videos with a Q&A segment the audience often doesn't have a
> microphone so the viewer can't hear the questions. Could more talks
> provide the audience with a microphone? And where this isn't possible,
> could speakers be encouraged to repeat or summarise the question for
> the benefit of the camera?

Moderators/assistants from the local team were usually pretty good about 
getting the microphones around or else reminding the speaker to repeat 
questions, but of course this gets forgotten sometimes.

-- brion

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