When you are not here to convince but only their to talk, it is not
reasonable to abuse this mailing list where people want to inform, convince,
reach consensus. The generation of noise that you apparently consider ok for
this list wastes a lot of time. With so many words you say that your
contributions are not necessarily meant to have an effect, as a consequence
I would prefer it when you limit your activity to things where you
personally are willing to make a difference.

2009/8/29 Anthony <wikim...@inbox.org>

> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 2:50 AM, Mark Williamson <node...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Similarly, if there is a famous painter who only made 5 paintings,
> > they will probably fetch a higher price than if s/he had made 500.
> And what if they're not selling their paintings?  What if they just like to
> paint?
> I'm not here to sell my posts.  I'm not here to try to convince anyone of
> anything.  I'm here to discuss.  If some people are participating in a
> discussion with me, I'm going to continue to have it, at whatever pace it
> goes.  If some other people aren't interested, there are lots of tools
> available to filter out those conversations.
> I'm sure all of you can figure out a way of setting up your email client so
> it can work for you.  If not, the archives are available online.  There's
> no
> reason you have to have this mailing list emailed to you in the first
> place.
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