On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Gregory Kohs<thekoh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Guillame said:

I know my name is unpronounceable to anyone who doesn't speak French,
but I would assume copy/pasting isn't that difficult.

> A board member (or volunteer, or anyone who goes around and asks
> someone to donate money to a cause) has some leverage if they can
> answer: « I donated $2 million because I think this cause is worthy.
> How much will you donate? »
> How unfortunate for Matt Halprin.  As far as I know, it was his employer,
> Omidyar Network, that made the big donation, not Halprin himself personally.

Simply replace my conclusion by « I had my company donate $2 million
because I managed to convince them that this cause is worthy. How much
will you or your company donate? »

Guillaume Paumier

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