On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 21:48, David Goodman<dgoodma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The number of people available is not limited to the current number.

As well as the current number isn't stable. :-) People come and go,
sink in wikipedia or get wikistress and go away.

> There are many potential contributors to an encyclopedia who for one
> reason or another are unwilling to work at Wikipedia.

I accept that.

> There are many more who would be attracted by the competition.

That's a hypothesis. :-)

It's well possible that a competition with wrong orientation would
alienate more people from offering their time for free than not. I
just wanted to comment that we cannot tell for sure beforehand.

I do not worry about competition since it's bound to happen, as
projects mature, then get old, then die (or rather go into oblivion).
Wikipedia will surely not last forever, and great ideas born all the
time, some with great possibilities. But it's important to see that
some kinds of projects can cause more harm than good without any
original bad intent, as community dynamics is way too complex to
foretell. It's not wise to blindly welcome anything and anybody. I'd
say, we watch, we learn and we'll see.


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