On 8/7/09 12:25 AM, private musings wrote:
> actually - might a WMF 'code of conduct' for projects be a good idea? (as in
> something perhaps a dollop more pragmatic than 'comply with our mission
> statement'!) - sounds like an idea for the strategy wiki... :-)

I'd say yes, but that a "code of conduct" is primarily about personal 
interaction, reminding people to treat other people reasonably.

This is traditionally covered by common-sense rules like 
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_be_a_dick -- but sometimes we 
really need a few basics written down! ;)

As far as things apply to _types of content_ that's a much trickier road 
to navigate; we want to concentrate not on limiting _what_ can be posted 
but _how it's presented_ and discussed... preferably civilly and 

-- brion

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