On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Mark Williamson<node...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So you are saying that list administrators are technocrats only, that
> they just carry out technical tasks and aren't asked to exercise their
> own judgement and that you believe the order for your moderation was
> handed down from someone else, someone who you would like to be
> exposed?

Well to be fair there were a number of people who expressed a strong
dislike for the thread I started. And even though their posts were on
their own were mostly insubstantial and rude, I understood that there
were enough of them regardless, and so I replied with my last post
indicating I would stop further posts here and take it back to

The decision to actually do the blocking of the last post - the one in
which I conceded the matter - was itself blocked by Austin alone
apparently. If the other moderator was involved, he did not take any
interest or action, as perhaps he should have. Perhaps there need to
be more moderators on this list, like there are on wikien-l - such as
to keep each other in check - and to insure that proper notification
is posted to the public list, and to communicate intelligently with
the blocked/moderated person.

I don't know if anything at all is really discussed in private. That's
just the way private communications work. What I am saying is that in
general we even want our technocrats to be quite forthright about what
they think and do, why, and where any orders or suggestions are coming
from. To do otherwise would be quite unfair to them.


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