2009/7/11 private musings <thepmacco...@gmail.com>:
> It's heartening to hear that the foundation has zapped images in the past -
> presumably because they were potentially illegal?
> I'm also heartened by the fact that this isn't actually a huge problem at
> the moment, so can be managed on a case by case basis - is there a good way
> of letting someone appropriate know about an image which is rather close to
> the line? (the follow on from this, of course, is to ask whether or not
> there's any established policy or practice in this area, and whether or not
> it 'works' enough of the time?)
> I'd be happier still if the image I linked to in my previous post was
> permanently deleted, which by my judgment would be the best outcome.
> cheers,
> Peter,
> PM.

The image is probably legal in the context of the commons deleted
image database.


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