Isn't it the best thing to remove the images, like they demand, and let
someone from the UK Wikimedia foundation contact them about the part where
they are saying "Our client remains willing to enter into a dialogue with
the Wikimedia Foundation to discuss terms upon which low-resolution images
of paintings in its collection can be made available on the Wikipedia
website and our client will continue to write to the Wikimedia Foundation
with requests for discussion. However, to date, the Wikimedia Foundation has
ignored our client’s attempts to negotiate this issue, preferring instead to
take a more harsh approach that one would expect of a corporate entity."...
It looks to me they want to do it for free, if you put some notice amongst
the picture.

They only thing that I don't understand is that they claim that no-one from
the wikimedia foundation ever responded to this. Is there any reason for

2009/7/11 David Gerard <>

> 2009/7/11 John at Darkstar <>:
> > In the case of GalleriNOR several people uploaded images from the site
> > without prior agreement with neither NB nor NF. After a while I get in
> > touch with them and asked how we should handle the case, what people
> > believed was the right thing to do from our side and what NB and NF
> > wanted to do. First the stand was established as "the images must be
> > deleted" and "we don't want to delete them", then we said "okey we will
> > attempt to get them deleted through due process - but hey, how much of
> > the traffic come from our site?" Then things get a bit amusing. The
> > thing is, about 60% of the traffic originates from Wikimedia Commons and
> > with the additional internal traffic generated from this we probably
> > generates over 80% of the traffic on the site. This isn't neglible
> > amouths of traffic on a site, removing the images on Commons would pull
> > the plug on the majority of the traffic.
> :-D
> We should ask the NPG about their website traffic ;-)
> Do all NPG images have a link back? They should.
> - d.
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