2009/7/11 Ray Saintonge <sainto...@telus.net>:
> I've restored the comments that I was replying to since you deleted them
> to wilfully mischaracterize my "ROTFL" as applying to the general issue
> rather than your silly comments.
> I've yet to see any evidence that you know what you are talking about.
> Your opposition to any kind of free speech on this by making up stories
> about potential harm prove this.  Just because your contributions are
> entirely unproductive doesn't mean that this applies to what many others
> are saying.  I may not agree with all of them, but I would not find that
> sufficient reason to suppress them.

Would I be right in assuming that you are American? You certainly have
that religious view of free speech that is typical of Americans...
This has nothing to do with suppression of free speech, it has to do
with being responsible about what you say. I am not a legal expert and
I have no spoken to Derrick about his wishes, which is why I am being
very careful about what I say and do. All I am asking is that other
people in the same position show the same restraint.

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