2009/6/15 Brian <brian.min...@colorado.edu>:
> The best you could possibly hope to do
> is listen to their advice since this is unlikely to ever go to
> court.

CC have a massive conflict of interest and public advice from Godwin
is kinda thin on the ground. Obviously we don't know the situation
with regards to private advice.

>Additionally, if you wish to contribute to the projects you
> must contribute according to the intention
> and correct
> interpretation of the license.

No. The most obvious counter example is the disclaimers mess that the
english wikipedia managed to get itself into a few years back.

> A user's interpretation of the license
> may or may not be in line with the correct
> view. If it is not, they should not contribute. That's all I have.

"Correct view" is not a good choice of terminology.


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