On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Ziko van Dijk <zvand...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello,


> The project manager of the organisation of Dutch high schools gave me a very
> striking reason against a license that allows commercial use: Most of the
> teachers want to teach with the help of ordinary school books, with
> additional material taken from the internet. They want to have something on
> paper. If the school book publishers are allowed to make print versions from
> open content, then the teachers want those print versions. They will put
> pressure on their head masters to buy them, and then the shift from print to
> digital will not occur, and the plan of the organisation to save 385
> millions €  will not become reality. So, the manager says, the better if the
> publishers cannot sell print versions.

But no publisher will have an exclusive right to print such textbooks,
so these textbooks would cost much less than existing alternatives, in
fact just slightly above printing costs.

This is an especially salient point if these headmasters really do
value print versions so much; the alternative of using an obscure
copyright mechanism to force them into all-digital does not make much
sense to me.


> Ziko van Dijk
> read more in German on
> http://groups.google.de/group/infobrief-wiki-welt/msg/21c9f6c00634d13c?
> --
> Ziko van Dijk
> NL-Silvolde
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