You could spread someone else's knowledge, no problem.

And conflicts there always are. If the collection of some content hinders
the general spreading, such as with the sexual images might be the case (but
that is just an example, you could just as well use images of the prophet
Muhamed as example)  then one should consider which is more important. It is
all about priorities in the end. Not only when in conflict but also when
facing limited resources.


2009/5/14 Thomas Dalton <>

> 2009/5/14 effe iets anders <>:
> > Here we have an interesting discussion topic. So what /is/ the main focus
> of
> > Wikimedia? Is it about collecting together free knowledge, or is it about
> > spreading it?
> I think it is clear that we need to do both. You can't spread
> information you don't have and there is no point collecting
> information if nobody uses it. I'm not convinced these two goals are
> in any real conflict.
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