2009/5/8 Nikola Smolenski <smole...@eunet.yu>:

> I am wary of this: "Users often missed the ‘edit’ buttons next to each
> section, clicking on ‘edit this page’ all the way at the top." In my
> experience, users do exactly the opposite, and I have seen new users who
> know how to edit sections asking how to edit top section; some
> Wikipedias (f.e. ruwiki) have even added [edit] link to top of the
> article that mimics section edit links. What could be the cause of this
> discrepancy?

Yes. This is also quite common question sent to OTRS. People quite
often ask "I know how to edit the section, but I don't know how to
edit the top part of the article". By the way: maybe it is good idea
to ask OTRS English team to mark for one week or month all E-mail
asking for help in editing and than to make some sumarization of it.

Tomek "Polimerek" Ganicz

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