On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:51 AM, <syr...@gmx.de> wrote:

> > On Thu, 2009-04-23 at 07:51:27 GMT, David Gerard wrote:
> >
> http://newteevee.com/2009/04/20/achtung-youtube-germany-proposes-federal-id-checks-for-online-video-sites/
> >
> > German readers - how much of a danger is this? Is Commons enough of a
> "video site"?
> >
> > - d.
> Not much. It is just a campaign of the Junge Union NRW to get in the media.
> Like every German political youth organisation, they have to make wired
> statements, to get any media coverage.
> syrcro
Just to clarify: There is no proposition from any party in any parliament in
Germany for this. It was a press release by the youth organization of the
CDU in North Rhine - Westphalia (the Junge Union NRW, as mentioned by
syncro). Some news sources seem to have picked up that Merkel thought of the
idea to be good - I can't find any direct quote or citation for this.

They are however going to propose this at a state level party congress in
early May, let's see how the CDU members in general react.

The leader (Sven Volmering) of this subgroup has also called ego-shooters,
popularly called "Killergames" (Killerspiele) in the German media and
politicians as of recently, a "perverted freetime activity".

And by the way: Another thing to remember is that it's election year here in
Germany, so you can expect to see a lot more weird press releases being
blown up into major stories - especially ones from youth organisations.

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