2009/3/31 DaB. <w...@daniel.baur4.info>:
> Hello all,
> I think that when such a number of people come together it would be nice to
> have a key-signing in Berlin. If you have no idea, what a key-signing is, look
> at the wikipedia-article [[en:Key_signing_party]].
> If you don't own a pgp-key yet and are an linux-user there are several how-tos
> on the net to get one fast (there are how-tos for windows-users too, but it's
> more complex, but that doesn't need to stop you).
> Because there is no time (and place) for a hash-methode-keysigning (you know,
> all standing in a line for hours ;)), I would organise a
> list-methode-keysigning. That means that you send me
> *Your nick (if you have one)
> *Your realname (optional, but some people don't sign non-realname-keys)
> *Your keynumber
> *Your key-hash
> *Your key (if it is not on normal key-servers)

I think that better idea would be to try to implement RFC:2549
protocol. If successfull we could keep communication between chapters
and developers meetings in case of electricy shortage in Berlin  ;-)

Tomek "Polimerek" Ganicz

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