2009/3/21 Przykuta <przyk...@o2.pl>:
> Hi
> look at ksh wiki
> http://s23.org/wikistats/wikipedias_html.php?sort=good_desc
> good: 10032
> total: 508246
> edits: 1135239
> depth: 5509 :)
> best regards
> przykuta

zh-classical also has an unusually high depth (for a Wikipedia with a
significant number of articles). Unfortunately, I don't speak either
language so I'm not entirely sure what is going on, but it seems that
the ksh figure may be to do with articles like this one:


It seems to be some kind of index system, there are enormous numbers
of pages and redirects related to it, none of which qualify as "good
articles" under the definition used on that stats page, so skew the
depth figure.

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