
Wikimedia Polska Conference 2009 s a fourth event organized by the
Wikimedia Polska to encourage ideas, exchange of Wikimedia projects
users in Poland and people connected with free software, free
knowledge and free culture in a information
society. We invite everyone interested in all areas of free culture
movement in various aspects of it: education, society, legal and

The Conference will be held on May1st-3rd, 2009 (Friday-Sunday) in
Conference and Tourist Center of Prime Ministers' Chancellery in
Jadwisin, near Warsaw. http://www.owjadwisin.pl/eng.shtml . Although
being near of Warsaw (just around 1 hr by bus from city center) it is
located in nice and calm forestry and lake area in the very center of

The conference fee is really cheap - just 50 PLN (around EUR 12) per
person and it includes accommodation and food. Although the planned
main language of the conference is Polish, if there will be enough
foreign speakers we can arrange one session in English. The scope of
the conference is more or less similar to Wikimania.

More information:


Tomek "Polimerek" Ganicz

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