On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Gerard Meijssen

> It has always been permitted to use the Commons work commercially. It has
> always been explicitly prohibited to disallow non commercial use.
> <snip>
> I am surprised that you or MaxSem take this position. I do not quite
> understand why you did not realise earlier that allowing commercial use is
> what we have always done.

That is not at all the point - this is a slippery slope indeed and a
dangerous precedent to set, especially at the chapter level. There are
potentially ways it could be done properly (eg open access to suppliers
meeting a certain standard, non-profit printing, etc.) but so long as we're
meeting our targets the potential cost does not seem to be at all worth the
significant risk.

I hope MaxSem returns once sanity prevails,

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