2009/1/20 Ting Chen <wing.phil...@gmx.de>:
> Not quite. One criteria is that the chapters should have well defined
> geographical areas and they should not overlap. So an Amsterdam chapter
> beside a Dutch chapter is not possible.

It was my understanding from the sub-national chapters document that
such chapters might be permitted to form anyway:
(Question: "Aren't we setting up sub-national chapters to compete for
funding with nation-based chapters?")

What I'm taking your statement to mean is that when a subnational
chapter is formed where a national chapter could be later formed, the
overlap and potential harmful consequences of such overlap would have
to be carefully considered before national chapter is approved. Would
that be a fair characterization? Or are you meaning 'is not possible'
truly in the sense of 'will never happen'?

Erik Möller
Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation

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