When the New York people get their chapter, they are part of the USA legal
system. It makes sense imho opinion to have a NY chapter if this is
necessary to organise things that require a legal setting. Things like
charitable donations. If these aspects are not relevant, there is no real
need to have a chapter. It is then more of a society.

When a "chapter" like New York is allowed then there is in essence nothing
to have another "sub chapter "in another country.. In the end when it is all
about community and community activity, an Amsterdam chapter is as valid as
a Dutch chapter right ?

2009/1/20 Jimmy Wales <jwa...@wikia-inc.com>

> Austin Hair wrote:
> > Every chapter has unique
> > considerations specific to its social and political circumstances—be
> > it Taiwan, Serbia, Hong Kong, or New York City—but, as far as we're
> > concerned, there's no such thing as a second-class chapter.
> Speaking only for myself as one board member among many, I agree with
> Austin completely.  There can be "subnational chapters" - meaning that
> the chapter is concentrated on a region smaller than a nation-state, but
> they are not 'sub-chapters'.
> The New York City metropolitan area:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_metropolitan_area
> has 18.8 million people.
> This is slightly larger than the Netherlands:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netherlands
> at 16.4 million.
> The world is not necessarily carved up geopolitically in a manner that
> would make it at all make sense to declare one nation/one chapter.
> It's a subtle matter with many factors that have to be thoughtfully
> balanced.
> --Jimbo
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