2009/1/7 Nathan <nawr...@gmail.com>:
> It would also, as I mentioned, provide the very valuable service of
> reinforcing with the public that the Wikimedia Foundation is charitable
> organization that depends on donations for all of its operations. That fact
> is implied in the very nature of a fundraising drive, but we saw from
> Jimmy's note that having a high profile advocate, a personal appeal and a
> clear expression of what Wikimedia is about really encourages people to
> donate.

When it comes to fundraising, non-profits tend to be jealous guardians
of their constituencies. Any kind of shared fundraising activity would
seem to me to be most likely to be successful when conducted together
with an active partner, e.g., if we deepened our relationship with
OLPC, it might make sense to join forces on some fundraising
initiatives, especially insofar as they relate to the projects both
partners pursue together.
Erik Möller
Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation

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