2008/12/10 Huib Laurens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I believe that we have a lot of images from flickr with sexual
> content. And there is no way to make sure that the (Fe)male on the
> photo agrees with the photo on commons or the licence it is under.
> I have tryed to nominate images like that for deletion. I can say all
> image are kept. The main reasson was the image is free so we can have
> it.
> I believe that image with sexual content have to be checked... Do we
> need it... Is it really free.... Isn't there a other option than a
> image.
> We have more than one category with nude male or female images and
> most of them are not in use on any project. I don't think we need the
> images with very young people on it.
> Huib

I disagree that we should have different standards for media
containing nudity and sexuality. Sexuality is an important educational
subject. One of the most important, as another poster pointed out. On
Wikipedia alone, one would expect a range of articles on different
issues relating to sexuality and nudity which would be illustrated
where possible. Commons isn't simply a dumping ground for Wikipedia
articles though, and also functions as a free media repository.

To treat media differently because it contains nudity or sexuality is
to allow our own biases and tastes to influence content. To exclude
such media because it offends our tastes is not neutral or unbiased.
These are legitimate topics that need to be illustrated and
demonstrated as much as any other topic.


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