2008/11/25 Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The fundamental intention of [[trademark dilution]] law is to create a
> property right.

Questionable. In any case proper enforcement of trademark law really
only comes in at the nuisance level.

Things get more problematical due to people using trademark to make
threatening legal noises to limit free speech (although that may not
be the intention it is the effect). A lot of the time this is
accidental due to people being confused over the difference between
copyright and trademark or the limits of trademark.

Heh a recent mildly amusing case. Ryan air wrote to private eye to
object to the use of their trademark in  a parody of budget airline
routes and prices. Private Eye responded by referring to the Arkell
vs. Pressdram incident (not that I would suggest that this is
something the foundation should follow).


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