--- Comment #31 from Oleg Oshmyan <> ---
> they are assigned to the same codepoint but have different shape with GSUB. 
> fontconfig doesn't get involved with the rendering thing at all. it is out of 
> the scope.

No, I mean fonts that are designed to support a single language. A font _can_
provide good support for everything at once via GSUB, but such global support
isn't all that common and more often you find that you have e.g. a Japanese
font, a mainland Chinese font and a Hong Kong Chinese font with near-identical
glyph coverage but different shapes. My impression has been that this is (at
least part of) why fonts.conf allows specifying what languages a font should be
preferred for.

Indeed, Noto Sans itself is a counterexample. I don't understand why it isn't
all a single font, but it isn't: instead, we have a myriad of language-specific
fonts with distinct names.

> However, given that X is key codepoint to represent lang L, it can be 
> simplified because:
> a. font A is missing a glyph X so it doesn't satisfy lang L.
> b. font B has full overage for M so it satisfies lang L.
> c. font B will be picked up if requesting lang L.

This might be useful when a lang L is requested, but again, the case here
doesn't request any particular language at all. All we know is that we need
"the `sans-serif` font". We could explicitly fetch the current system locale in
libass and ask Fontconfig to look for this language, but I guess we kinda
expected that Fontconfig already does this for substitutions/aliases on its

> I don't know what is it for?

Honestly, neither do I. We'll need to investigate. But that's why it scares me:
given that someone put it in place to begin with, it seems likely that it does

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