--- Comment #8 from Ɓukasz Patron <> ---
(In reply to Akira TAGOH from comment #6)
> That is weird. Noto Sans Arabic doesn't have "en" covarage. I can't
> reproduce this except running with --osd-font="Noto Sans Arabic".  Do you
> have any your own config? how can I reproduce this?
> I tried `LANG=en_US.UTF-8 mpv --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui
> filename-mixing-12345.mp4` but it works as expected. but `LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> mpv --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui --osd-font="Noto Sans Arabic"
> filename-mixing-12345.mp4` not.
> FWIW Noto Sans Arabic doesn't have alphabet glyphs. apparently libass is
> falling back to reuder alphabets. though Noto Sans and Noto Sans Arabic has
> same outline for numeric characters. If mpv use Noto Sans as a fallback, the
> rendering should be like your screenshot. I suspect something may went wrong
> in libass.

Here are my steps to reproduce:

1. Boot up Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-Rawhide-20240227.n.0.iso
2. Leave locale settings as is, just click next few times until you're using
live desktop
3. sudo dnf install mpv
4. Take screenshot
5. mpv ~/Pictures/Screenshots/*
6. Notice that fonts for numbers are wrong

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