--- Comment #8 from Akira TAGOH <> ---
BTW just waiting for the progress on upstream though, I want to bring this up
to be sure.

Registering the own foundry name isn't a must. we are considering to pick it up
into the package name because it would be easier to recognize if a font is a
part of variants/series of fonts made by same font developers/authors - for
example, we use the same the foundry prefix in a package name as "google" for
google-noto-fonts and google-noto-cjk-fonts.

The question is that do we have another variants/typefaces made by same
authors, particularly which can be used together such as sans-serif, serif, and
monospace, and/or regional typefaces, etc? if this is a single font or other
fonts isn't that useful to use together, we can simply omit the foundry from
the package name IMHO. the family name is basically unique. it wouldn't
conflicts anything else.

Anyway, I can do the formal review any time.

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