--- Comment #15 from Nikolaus Waxweiler <> ---
I agree that a better written specification would be highly appreciated, but I
think you're fighting a losing battle here. OpenType is 40 years of accumulated
cruft and vendors and applications doing whatever they want. Our font engineers
spend _significant_ amounts of time testing fonts before release in major
applications _every single time_. Microsoft, the owner of the specification, is
no paragon when it comes to interpreting their own spec in their own
applications. As it stands, font metadata is no exact science but fudged in
whatever way makes the fonts work as intended for the paying client. It's the
reason the spec is so weakly worded. And that's just the way it is.

Anyway, this is getting increasingly off-topic. I'd wait for a Qt person to
look into this. If they find that the font is doing something off-beat, I can
fix it.

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