
>It seems it is so difficult to disable the modulators that I am pretty 
>confident they are not disabled on any of my sound fonts. These modulators 
>appear to me to be available AND turned on by default in all normal sf2 fonts.


Just a precision. We should have a clear description of what are 'default 
modulators'. These default modulators are in the synthesizer (not in the 
soundfont). On noteon, Il they are no overriding modulators in the soundfont, 
the default modulators will be played. So you are right, these default 
modulators are always ON by nature. The list of default modulator is specified 
in the SF2 specs (sfspec24.pdf chapter 8.4). In this list, only the 
CC1-to-Vibrato-LFO-Pitch_Depth modulator (chapter 8.4.4) need to be disabled 
for your need.


What you need to do in the soundfont: In the Instrument Zone(s) of the preset 
Px you want to use.

1.1) Disable the default CC1-to-Vibrato-LFO-Pitch_Depth modulator. By adding an 
identical CC1-to-Vibrato-LFO-Pitch_Depth modulator with amount set to 0.

1.2) Add a new modulator to produce tremolo effect (i.e amplitude modulation):

    - destination generator: modLfoToVolume (generator 13).

    - CC1 connected to source

    - no amount source

    - amount value set to a value > 0.

Then using your MIDI keyboard playing on MIDI channel chx :

2.1)Send to MIDI channel chx a program and bank change event corresponding to 
the preset Px. 

2.2)Play note on channel chx.

2.3)Send CC1 value > 0 on channel chx to add tremolo.

All theses steps are easily reproducible using just a soundfont editor and 
using the fluidsynth application console





> Message du 04/07/20 19:37
> De : "David Back" 
> A : "fluid-dev@nongnu.org" 
> Copie à : "jean-jacques.cer...@orange.fr" , "Tom M." 
> Objet : Re: [fluid-dev] Tremolo, fluidsynth and CC 1

It seems it is so difficult to disable the modulators that I am pretty 
confident they are not disabled on any of my sound fonts. These modulators 
appear to me to be available AND turned on by default in all normal sf2 fonts.

I am even more confused now - I have just tried a different sound font with 
eplayOrgan - one which works with jOrgan and does produce (very weak but clear) 
tremolo when used with jOrgan.

This soundfont shows no sign of any tremolo when used in eplayOrgan so I am 
even more convinced now that there is something wrong with my code in 
eplayOrgan. I suspect I need to enable or initialise something which I have not 
enabled or initialised such as the midi input (eplayOrgan sends all its midi 
direct to the synth and never uses any FS midi inputs).

Is there any example of working c or c++ code for using CC1 ? I have not been 
able to find any myself.

Thank you



On Saturday, 4 July 2020, 17:49:17 BST, Ceresa Jean-Jacques  wrote:



> Hello David,

> >It is particularly useful to know that I can change what FS does by changing 
> >parameters in the sound fonts.

> Yes fluidsynth and any SF2 compliant synthesizers sould always instructed by 
> soundfonts articulations parameters. They are

> only reproducer sound engine. In other words the synthesizer should never 
> take any decision.


>Any advice on enabling/disabling modulators will be gratefully received.
modulators effects are always "additive". That means that if we have 
CC1-to-xxx-volume, and CC1-to-xxx-frequency-oscillator modulators. Both 
modulators will be played.
In this case the same CC1 will modulate the oscillator frequency and the volume 
(through the respective lfo).
Assuming you want to disable the default CC1-to-xxx-frequency modulator. The 
only way to do that is to add a new CC1-to-xxx-frequency-oscillator:
In order to be able to override this default modulator, 3 conditions must be 
observed with attention:
(1)this second modulator MUST be added at INSTRUMENT level (i.e in instrument 
zone) (please do not be confused with preset level).
(2)this new modulator must be IDENTICAL to the one intended to be disabled. In 
SF terminologie two modulators (m1,m2) are considered identical when that have 
'same sources(src,src amount)' and 'same destination' (regardless of amount 
(3)new modulator's amount value MUST be 0.
If one of the above condition is not true, this new modulator will never 
override (i.e disable) the default CC1 modulator.
Wecome to the world of SF2.
> Message du 04/07/20 16:34> De : "David Back via fluid-dev" > A : 
> "fluid-dev@nongnu.org" > Copie à : "David Back" , "Tom M." > Objet : 
> [fluid-dev] Tremolo, fluidsynth and CC 1
> >

Thanks for the update and corrections to my thoughts and ideas. It is 
particularly useful to know that I can change what FS does by changing 
parameters in the sound fonts.
At the moment I just want something that works so that I can experiment with 
it. My code does not produce ANY modulation at present and you say the 
modulator may be disabled in the sound font. I have examined several of my 
sound fonts using viena and cannot see any way to positively DISABLE any 
modulators. (I am not a sound font expert, normally just a sound font user - 
but ready to learn).
However the modulators can be altered and in some cases the default frequency 
has been altered for particular instruments.
I am attaching one of the sound fonts in which fluidsynth and my code fails to 
activate any modulation or vibrato. All of the sound fonts I regularly use 
accompany eplayOrgan when it is downloaded and installed.
Any advice on enabling/disabling modulators will be gratefully received.
I have googled "fliudsynth christian" and surprisingly there were some results 
connecting the two but nothing obviously of any value to my problem/s. So - how 
do I get Christians advice on tremolo?
David (csw900)

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