On 7/27/19, Lynne <d...@lynne.ee> wrote:
> Jul 26, 2019, 4:37 PM by one...@gmail.com <mailto:one...@gmail.com>:
>> +static void biquad(float *y, float mem[2], const float *x,
>> +                   const float *b, const float *a, int N)
>> +{
>> +    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
>> +        float xi, yi;
>> +        xi = x[i];
>> +        yi = x[i] + mem[0];
>> +        mem[0] = mem[1] + (b[0]*(double)xi - a[0]*(double)yi);
>> +        mem[1] = (b[1]*(double)xi - a[1]*(double)yi);
>> +        y[i] = yi;
>> +    }
>> +}
> Do you really need double precision here?


>> +static void apply_window(float *x, float *half_window)
>> +{
>> +    for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_SIZE; i++) {
>> +        x[i] *= half_window[i];
>> +        x[WINDOW_SIZE - 1 - i] *= half_window[i];
>> +    }
>> +}
> Use vector_fmul_window.

Cant use that, but use another one.

>> +#define FRAME_SIZE_SHIFT 2
>> +#define FRAME_SIZE (120<<FRAME_SIZE_SHIFT)
>> +#define WINDOW_SIZE (2*FRAME_SIZE)
>> +#define FREQ_SIZE (FRAME_SIZE + 1)
>> +    AVComplexFloat y[WINDOW_SIZE];
>> +    st->tx_fn(st->tx, y, x, 0);
>> +
>> +    for (int i = 0; i < FREQ_SIZE; i++) {
>> +        out[i] = y[i];
>> +    }
> Make y and x aligned and set the tx stride to sizeof(float) for when SIMD is
> implemented.
> I can't see how this could even work with stride = 0.
> Why is FREQ_SIZE = FRAME_SIZE + 1?
>> +    st->tx_fn(st->tx, y, x, 0);
>> +
>> +    /* output in reverse order for IFFT. */
>> +    out[0] = y[0].re / WINDOW_SIZE;
>> +    for (i=1; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++) {
>> +        out[i] = y[WINDOW_SIZE - i].re / WINDOW_SIZE;
>> +    }
> Make another tx context for an inverse transform, also same as above, and
> use float_dsp to divide all by WINDOW_SIZE.
>> +    for (int i=0;i<FRAME_SIZE;i++)
>> +        out[i] = x[i] + st->synthesis_mem[i]
> float_dsp? If you can afford to overwrite and overread the arrays odd sizes
> will work.

There is not such function.

>> +    for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_SIZE; i++)
>> +        s->half_window[i] = sin(.5*M_PI*sin(.5*M_PI*(i+.5)/FRAME_SIZE) *
>> sin(.5*M_PI*(i+.5)/FRAME_SIZE));
> Just copy ff_celt_window and use it.

That does something else.

> Also fix coding style and upload a weights file somewhere.

Weights are available on github.

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