Signed-off-by: Moritz Barsnick <>
 doc/filters.texi | 38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 doc/muxers.texi  |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/filters.texi b/doc/filters.texi
index 4045812122..1521e62623 100644
--- a/doc/filters.texi
+++ b/doc/filters.texi
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ aecho=0.8:0.88:60:0.4
 @end example

-If delay is very short, then it sound like a (metallic) robot playing music:
+If delay is very short, then it sounds like a (metallic) robot playing music:
 @end example
@@ -6638,7 +6638,7 @@ If the interlacing is unknown or the decoder does not 
export this information,
 top field first will be assumed.

 @item deint
-Specify which frames to deinterlace. Accept one of the following
+Specify which frames to deinterlace. Accepts one of the following

 @table @option
@@ -11423,7 +11423,7 @@ All streams must be of same pixel format and of same 
 Note that this filter is faster than using @ref{overlay} and @ref{pad} filter
 to create same output.

-The filter accept the following option:
+The filter accepts the following option:

 @table @option
 @item inputs
@@ -14443,7 +14443,7 @@ __kernel void blend_images(__write_only image2d_t dst,

 Alter frame colors in video with pseudocolors.

-This filter accept the following options:
+This filter accepts the following options:

 @table @option
 @item c0
@@ -14768,7 +14768,7 @@ Enable checking the parity bit. In the event of a 
parity error, the filter will
 @code{0x00} for that character. Default is false.

 @item lp
-Lowpass lines prior further proccessing. Default is disabled.
+Lowpass lines prior further processing. Default is disabled.
 @end table

 @subsection Examples
@@ -18737,7 +18737,7 @@ All streams must be of same pixel format and of same 
 Note that this filter is faster than using @ref{overlay} and @ref{pad} filter
 to create same output.

-The filter accept the following option:
+The filter accepts the following options:

 @table @option
 @item inputs
@@ -18758,11 +18758,11 @@ implemented based on the de-interlace algorithm 
written by Jim
 Easterbrook for BBC R&D, the Weston 3 field deinterlacing filter
 uses filter coefficients calculated by BBC R&D.

-This filter use field-dominance information in frame to decide which
+This filter uses field-dominance information in frame to decide which
 of each pair of fields to place first in the output.
 If it gets it wrong use @ref{setfield} filter before @code{w3fdif} filter.

-There are two sets of filter coefficients, so called "simple":
+There are two sets of filter coefficients, so called "simple"
 and "complex". Which set of filter coefficients is used can
 be set by passing an optional parameter:

@@ -18779,7 +18779,7 @@ More-complex filter coefficient set.
 Default value is @samp{complex}.

 @item deint
-Specify which frames to deinterlace. Accept one of the following values:
+Specify which frames to deinterlace. Accepts one of the following values:

 @table @samp
 @item all
@@ -18987,7 +18987,7 @@ Default is @code{3}.
 @section xmedian
 Pick median pixels from several input videos.

-The filter accept the following options:
+The filter accepts the following options:

 @table @option
 @item inputs
@@ -19004,7 +19004,7 @@ Stack video inputs into custom layout.

 All streams must be of same pixel format.

-The filter accept the following option:
+The filter accepts the following options:

 @table @option
 @item inputs
@@ -19033,24 +19033,24 @@ terminates. Default value is 0.

-Display 4 inputs into 2x2 grid,
-note that if inputs are of different sizes unused gaps might appear,
+Display 4 inputs into 2x2 grid.
+Note that if inputs are of different sizes unused gaps might appear,
 as not all of output video is used.
 @end example

-Display 4 inputs into 1x4 grid,
-note that if inputs are of different sizes unused gaps might appear,
+Display 4 inputs into 1x4 grid.
+Note that if inputs are of different sizes unused gaps might appear,
 as not all of output video is used.
 @end example

-Display 9 inputs into 3x3 grid,
-note that if inputs are of different sizes unused gaps might appear,
+Display 9 inputs into 3x3 grid.
+Note that if inputs are of different sizes unused gaps might appear,
 as not all of output video is used.
@@ -19102,7 +19102,7 @@ If the interlacing is unknown or the decoder does not 
export this information,
 top field first will be assumed.

 @item deint
-Specify which frames to deinterlace. Accept one of the following
+Specify which frames to deinterlace. Accepts one of the following

 @table @option
@@ -19160,7 +19160,7 @@ If the interlacing is unknown or the decoder does not 
export this information,
 top field first will be assumed.

 @item deint
-Specify which frames to deinterlace. Accept one of the following
+Specify which frames to deinterlace. Accepts one of the following

 @table @option
diff --git a/doc/muxers.texi b/doc/muxers.texi
index 20d31b279c..0adb93ba55 100644
--- a/doc/muxers.texi
+++ b/doc/muxers.texi
@@ -902,8 +902,8 @@ serving up segments can be configured to reject requests to 
*.tmp to prevent acc
 before they have been added to the m3u8 playlist. This flag also affects how 
m3u8 playlist files are created.
 If this flag is set, all playlist files will written into temporary file and 
renamed after they are complete, similarly as segments are handled.
 But playlists with @code{file} protocol and with type 
(@code{hls_playlist_type}) other than @code{vod}
-are always written into temporary file regardles of this flag. Master playlist 
files (@code{master_pl_name}), if any, with @code{file} protocol,
-are always written into temporary file regardles of this flag if 
@code{master_pl_publish_rate} value is other than zero.
+are always written into temporary file regardless of this flag. Master 
playlist files (@code{master_pl_name}), if any, with @code{file} protocol,
+are always written into temporary file regardless of this flag if 
@code{master_pl_publish_rate} value is other than zero.

 @end table


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