On 08/08/2019 20:33, OvchinnikovDmitrii wrote:
Added linux support for amf encoder through vulkan.

To use h.264(AMD VCE) encoder on linux amdgru-pro version 19.20+ and 
amf-amdgpu-pro package(amdgru-pro contains, but does not install automatically) 
are required.
This driver can be installed using amdgpu-pro-install script in official amd 
driver archive.

Initialization of amf encoder occurs in this order:
1) trying to initialize through dx11(only windows)
2) trying to initialize through dx9(only windows)
3) trying to initialize through vulkan

Only Vulkan initialization available on linux.

Is it possible to use Vulkan on Windows? For Interop with OpenCL and the like that could come very handy.

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