On 7/23/19 12:47 AM, Paul B Mahol wrote:
> On 7/23/19, David Bryant <da...@wavpack.com> wrote:
>> On 7/21/19 11:23 PM, Paul B Mahol wrote:
>>> On 7/22/19, David Bryant <da...@wavpack.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> As I promised late last year, here is a patch to add a WavPack DSD
>>>> decoder.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> -David Bryant
>>> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but why this uses new codec id?
>>> Apparently is also copies some logic from other files.
>> Yes, I created a new codec ID for WavPack DSD. It would be possible to just
>> piggyback on the existing WavPack codec by silently
>> decimating the DSD to PCM, but that seemed weird and wrong to me. For one
>> thing, the user would have no idea that the file was
>> actually DSD and not high sample-rate PCM.
>> Also, since regular WavPack has threading enabled but WavPack DSD can't
>> (because of the dsd2pcm conversion) I would have to turn
>> off threading for all WavPack (unless there's some way of making that
>> conditional at runtime). It would also mean that regular
>> WavPack would be dependent on the dsd2pcm component even if DSD was not
>> required (not everyone needs DSD). And of course I was
>> looking closely at the only other DSD codec in FFmpeg (DST) which has its
>> own codec ID.
>> Because regular WavPack PCM and DSD share the same block format and metadata
>> structure, there is a little code that is shared
>> between the two codecs (although they are no longer identical because of the
>> threading difference). Is this a problem? I could
>> combine the two codecs into one file and sprinkle in a few conditionals, but
>> I don't think it would be as clean or clear (but
>> might save a little duplicate code).
>> That's my thinking, but obviously I am not as familiar with the FFmpeg
>> philosophy as you guys.
> Looking carefully at dsd2pcm code in your patch, it appears it would
> work only with 1 or 2 channels.
> Is this correct?

Individual WavPack blocks can only be 1 or 2 channels. Multichannel files 
contains sequences of blocks which ends up creating
multiple frame contexts. This was originally implemented for PCM WavPack years 
ago and so it "just works" for DSD WavPack
because I didn't touch any of that.

I have tested this extensively with multichannel DSD files and it works great, 
including seeking.

> About multi-threading, as dsd2pcm can not be made multi-threaded then
> just do locking when doing dsd2pcm to make it single threaded and
> update other code as necessary.

It's not really that dsd2pcm cannot be multi-threaded, it's that the audio 
frames cannot be converted to PCM independently or
you'll get a click at the frame boundaries. Maybe we're talking about the same 
thing, but I don't see how a lock would fix this.
In any event, could you please show me an example of doing that?

> I still see no valid reason to add separate codec id. Add another
> wavpack profile if you wish to help users know the difference between
> the two.

Again I apologize for not being too familiar with FFmpeg internals. What would 
another wavpack "profile" be? As long as the user
(or caller) has some way to differentiate between DSD and PCM files without 
parsing the file themselves I'm happy, but what
exactly is the hesitation here? Are codec IDs a limited resource? It seems like 
an obvious win to me.


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