On 22-02-2019 06:50 PM, Nicolas George wrote:
Tobias Rapp (12019-02-22):
In my understanding the main source of documentation for API users are the
Doxygen HTML output files while the Texinfo output is for both, command-line
and API users -- with a slight bias towards command-line, at least from
looking at all the ffmpeg/ffplay examples.
There are other users than API and command-line. Think of a GUI that
presents all options as editable fields.
'-key' will be easier to search for these users as well. It's also
a low-cost arrangement. I trust adept API users will quickly suss out
that the hyphen represents CLI. GUI users won't be entering the key
string, only the values*, and casual CLI users will immediately
recognize which entries pertain to options.
*if custom text is allowed, like in myffmpeg, that's in CLI form.
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