
Thanks for your comments.

On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 10:03 AM Jean-Baptiste Kempf <j...@videolan.org> wrote:
> Why do something special for homebrew, and not for all the other 
> distributions?
> Why is homebrew different? Are you going to merge all .spec files from all 
> Linux distributions too?

I don't think it's really productive to talk about other Linux
distributions in this thread. That is really a different topic.

> > That creates a bit of a messy situation, as users are expecting to be
> > able to build ffmpeg with additional libraries, including nonfree ones
> > such as fdk-aac. This is no longer easily doable.
> Helping people to build non-free distributions of FFmpeg is a very weird and 
> dubious goal.
> This is just helping other people violate the FFmpeg license.

That is a matter of personal viewpoint contrasted with general opinion
about non-free FFmpeg, which I am 1) probably not the right person to
discuss with, given my lack of presence on this mailing list and 2)
the fact that the proposed formula simply mirrors what is already
possible. I may be missing the full picture or developer consensus
about how to handle this. I understand that there are folks who are
very passionate about this topic, and that others are not. I can only
observe that end users have the technical possibilities to build
FFmpeg in a non-free and non-redistributable fashion. I don't see why
it would be necessary to artificially restrict users in doing so.

> Do not use Github to develop. Github is not-free. Use Github to mirror, if 
> you want, but not to develop.

This formula could of course be mirrored from git.ffmpeg.org or
wherever if there were a policy of not developing on GitHub. That
said, I do see other repos on https://github.com/FFmpeg that are not
mirrored, so I assume there is no such rule.

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