On 11/28/18 7:25 PM, Jeyapal, Karthick wrote:
On 11/28/18 4:41 PM, Andrey Semashev wrote:
The global_sidx flag causes errors like the following in movenc when media
segment removal is enabled via windos_size or remove_at_exit:
Non-consecutive fragments, writing incorrect sidx
Unable to re-open output file for the second pass (faststart)
Removing global_sidx flag adds sidx atom to each moof fragment adding
significant bitrate overhead.
Instead I have submitted a patch to handle this case cleanly in movenc.
Please try the above patch and let me know if that will work for you.
Yes, that patch seems to fix the errors. Thanks.
On a slightly unrelated note, during testing, I've also seen different
errors like these:
[AVFormatContext] Application provided duration: -1 / timestamp: 243456
is out of range for mov/mp4 format
[AVFormatContext] pts has no value
These happen when media segments are rotated and file deletion is
enabled. They don't seem to happen on every file rotation, though, and I
can't find what could be causing them. These errors are present
regardless of the global_sidx flag or your movenc patch. Do you have an
idea what could be causing them?
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