tor 2018-11-22 klockan 21:58 +0000 skrev Rostislav Pehlivanov: > > On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 19:02, Thilo Borgmann <> wrote: > +The vote has to implement a direct, free, equal and secret election. > > +The results are to be publicly available. > > +The election should be completed not later than the end of the ongoing > > period. > > +Any community member can call on itself or any other person to be a > > candidate for an election. > > What if a majority of the committee is biased and bans everyone they > disagree with to take over the project? They certainly could. > What if the committee's decision is something the majority of the > developers disagree with? > > This is why I'm against formalizing such prodecures. They're too inflexible > and absolute, and end up being abused or overused (like videolan's weekly > temporary bannings I've heard of). > Furthermore why do you bring this up now at all? We haven't had accidents > of this nature in quite some time. In fact the last time it was the ML > admin's random incorrect decision to block a discussion which ended up > being a problem that everyone disagreed with. And that was 11 months ago.
The point of stuff like this is to have something in place *before* nasty things happen. Coming from a country with a strong non-profit organization culture (Sweden), it's actually quite striking how little "everyday democracy" experience a lot of free software people seem to have. While I'm in here I have a small suggestion: talking is better than writing when it comes to interpersonal conflicts. Using Mumble or Jingle or whatever and getting the relevant people to talk can be a good way to avoid more drastic measures. Unless of course someone's just being an ass to be an ass, but I haven't noticed that yet on here. /Tomas _______________________________________________ ffmpeg-devel mailing list