V3: - add rc_max_rate to AVStream and bump the version
    - use AVStream.rc_max_rate for MOV/MP4 esds box.
    - use AVStream.rc_max_rate for ffprobe to fix can't get max bit rate issue.

V2: - fix max_bit_rate dump change break the fate test. 
      (based on Micheal/Moritz's review) 

V1: - indet ffmpeg/buffersrc
    - add auto threads flag for kvazaar
    - delete the unused code from ffmpeg
    - fix max_bit_rate dump warning for ffprobe

Jun Zhao (7):
  lavfi/buffersrc: Indent the code.
  fftools/ffprobe: Indent the code.
  fftools/ffmpeg: delete the unused code.
  lavc/kvazaar: fix auto thread flag in kvazaar wrapper.
  avformat: add rc_max_rate to AVStream
  lavf/isom: use AVStream.rc_max_rate to save max bit rate for esds box
  fftools/ffprobe: fix max_bit_rate dump.

 doc/APIchanges          |    3 +++
 fftools/ffmpeg.c        |    9 +--------
 fftools/ffprobe.c       |   35 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 libavcodec/libkvazaar.c |    2 +-
 libavfilter/buffersrc.c |   30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 libavformat/avformat.h  |    6 ++++++
 libavformat/isom.c      |    7 +------
 libavformat/version.h   |    2 +-
 8 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

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