
Patchs in attach add 12b decoding for prores
Theses patch are based on patch by Kieran Kunhya

After theses patch by default Prores 422 are decode in 10b and 444 in 12b
I add a user option, to force 10b or 12b decoding

Need to be apply after patch "avutil - swscale : add YUVA444P12 and

003 : cosmetic, remove unused value
004 : move dsp init after codec tag check (in order to set later decoding
precision based on codec_tag by default)
005/006 : rename dsp part for 10b
007/008/009 : reorganize unpack alpha and add 12b alpha decoding
010 : Add 12b idct for prores (keep the 10b version)
011 : In 12b, i have a segfault, for file with non multiple of 16 height.
Don't understand why doesn't appear in 10b mode. But like several func,
seems to write after the last visible line. I increase buffer height, and
set crop bottom.
012 : Add 12b support for 444 by default, and add user option for setting
decoding precision
013 : Add fate test for prores with 12b decoding precision

Comments welcome


Attachment: 0004-avcodec-proresdec-move-dsp-init-after-codec-tag-chec.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0007-avcodec-proresdec-put-unpack-alpha-func-in-prores-ct.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0003-avcodec-proresdsp-remove-unused-value.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0006-avcodec-proresdsp-indent-after-prev-commit.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0005-avcodec-proresdec-rename-dsp-part-for-10b-and-check.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0008-avcodec-proresdec-make-inline-func-for-unpack-alpha.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0012-avcodec-proresdec-add-12b-decoding.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0011-avcodec-proresdec-align-height-buffer-to-16-avoid.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0009-avcodec-proresdec-add-unpack-alpha-12-func.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0010-avcodec-proresdec-add-12b-prores-idct.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0013-fate-proresdec-add-test-for-12b-decoding.patch
Description: Binary data

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