On 02/11/2018 13:35, Roman Arzumanyan wrote:

This patch adds NV12 support to vf_transpose_npp filter.
Now filter can be used in nvdec -> nvenc transcoding scenarios like this:
ffmpeg -hwaccel cuvid -c:v h264_cuvid  -i input.h264 -c:v h264_nvenc -vf 
transpose_npp="dir=clock" -y output.h264

BR, Roman Arzumanyan

This was intentionally omitted to avoid code duplication with scale_npp.

What you can do right now is
-vf scale_npp=format=yuv420p,transpose_npp=dir=clock

Optionally another ,scale_npp=format=nv12 at the end, to go back to nv12. But as nvenc can take yuv420p input, this is not necessary in most cases.

This should perform the exact same operations as adding the de/interleaving functionality to the transpose_npp filter itself, and thus not perform worse in any way.

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