
I’m emailing to seek your advice. For the past few months, a team here at Sky 
UK has performed testing to determine whether FFmpeg would be a suitable 
transcode resource for a variety of use cases. Some tests failed due to stream 
analysers reporting errors, summary listed below. What would be required to 
make a sensible and indicative estimate on cost and level of effort required 
for you or someone in your team to resolve the errors being reported?

Errors reported by analysers

  *   Unable to insert PCR on PES (TR-8 requirement from Sky's VRP video spec 
for PDL)
  *   MPEG and AAC audio buffer overflows (Manzanita)
  *   PES header data_alignment_indicator flag not set for video and audio 
  *   Failed HRD conformance check (Tektronix Cerify)
  *   TB overflows (A/V Codec Analyser)
  *   PTS (Presentation Timestamp) interval is not constant in audio stream 
(A/V Codec Analyser)
  *   PTS must occur after end of Access Unit (A/V Codec Analyser)
  *   PCR discontinuities (A/V Codec Analyser)

Thanks in advance,

Angelica Stephenson
Senior Technical Lead

Sky UK
Tel:   +44 (0) 7596 352 078

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