
Patch in attach add support for YUVA444P10 input and alpha 16b encoding

001 : Add frame header description for alpha value (use value close to the
official encoder)

002 : indent and add comment, about the header value (based on multimedia
wiki doc)

003 : Add support for Prores 444 with alpha 16b
The alpha encoding funcs is mainly take with few adaptations from prores_ks
except for the get alpha data part (replace with adaptation of
subimage_with fill)

There is one difference between prores_ks and aw alpha encoding.
prores_ks take care about alpha data size, for yuv encoding (in other word
reduce quality of yuv data if there is alpha), but it's seems that this is
not the case of the official encoder
So for prores_aw, i choose to separate yuv encoding and alpha encoding.

I only choose to support 16b alpha (not the 8 bit version (and don't plan
to add it))

Comments welcome


Attachment: 0002-avcodec-prores_aw-cosmetic-indent-and-add-comment-to.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0001-avcodec-prores_aw-change-src-pix_fmt-and-alpha-descr.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0003-avcodec-prores_aw-add-support-for-prores-444-with-al.patch
Description: Binary data

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