
Recently I completely decompiled original Eidos Escape codecs, and I wanted to 
fix and improve Escape130 code of ffmpeg.
Here are three sequential commits and very short (few frames) RPL-video file 

Please review, Michael Chaban

- - - Image links to compare - - -
Original Eidos decoder: https://ibb.co/mvLUby
FFmpeg before my commits: https://ibb.co/k8GP9J
FFmpeg after 1/3 commit: thttps://ibb.co/dUavGy
FFmpeg after 2/3 commit: https://ibb.co/cgLj9J
FFmpeg after 3/3 commit: https://ibb.co/isTFGy

Attachment: 0001-libavcodec-escape130-fixed-wrong-Y-copy-block-decodi.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0002-libavcodec-escape130-the-default-YUV-colorspace-repl.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0003-libavcodec-escape130-The-original-decoder-blockiness.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: short_sample.rpl
Description: Binary data

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