On Wed, 13 Jun 2018, Tomas Härdin wrote:

sön 2018-06-10 klockan 12:36 +0200 skrev Marton Balint:
Also compute the correct essence_offset and essence_length for all clip wrapped

> Signed-off-by: Marton Balint <c...@passwd.hu>
 libavformat/mxfdec.c | 108 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavformat/mxfdec.c b/libavformat/mxfdec.c
index 1ab34f4873..67b0028e88 100644
--- a/libavformat/mxfdec.c
+++ b/libavformat/mxfdec.c
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ typedef struct MXFPartition {
     int pack_length;
     int64_t pack_ofs;               ///< absolute offset of pack in file, 
including run-in
     int64_t body_offset;
+    KLVPacket first_essence_klv;
 } MXFPartition;
 typedef struct MXFCryptoContext {
@@ -2782,47 +2783,76 @@ static int mxf_parse_handle_partition_or_eof(MXFContext 
     return mxf->parsing_backward ? mxf_seek_to_previous_partition(mxf) : 1;
+static int64_t round_to_kag(int64_t position, int kag_size)
+    /* TODO: account for run-in? the spec isn't clear whether KAG should 
account for it */
+    /* NOTE: kag_size may be any integer between 1 - 2^10 */
+    int64_t ret = (position / kag_size) * kag_size;
+    return ret == position ? ret : ret + kag_size;

This should probably just be

return ((position + kag_size - 1) / kag_size) * kag_size;

but maybe there's some fine point I'm overlooking. What happens if
kag_size is a smallish value like 16?

A check for position > INT64_MAX - kag_size might also be appropriate.

Well, this is your code as well :), I just moved it to avoid a forward declaration.

+static MXFWrappingScheme mxf_get_wrapping_by_body_sid(AVFormatContext *s, int 
+    for (int i = 0; i < s->nb_streams; i++) {
+        MXFTrack *track = s->streams[i]->priv_data;
+        if (track && track->body_sid == body_sid && track->wrapping != 
+            return track->wrapping;
+    }
+    return UnknownWrapped;
  * Figures out the proper offset and length of the essence container in each 
-static void mxf_compute_essence_containers(MXFContext *mxf)
+static void mxf_compute_essence_containers(AVFormatContext *s)
+    MXFContext *mxf = s->priv_data;
     int x;
-    /* everything is already correct */
-    if (mxf->op == OPAtom)
-        return;
     for (x = 0; x < mxf->partitions_count; x++) {
         MXFPartition *p = &mxf->partitions[x];
+        MXFWrappingScheme wrapping;
         if (!p->body_sid)
             continue;       /* BodySID == 0 -> no essence */
-        if (x >= mxf->partitions_count - 1)
-            break;          /* FooterPartition - can't compute length (and we 
don't need to) */
+        /* for non clip-wrapped essences we compute essence_offset
+         * for clip wrapped essences we point essence_offset after the KL 
(usually klv.offset + 20 or 25)
+         */
-        /* essence container spans to the next partition */
-        p->essence_length = mxf->partitions[x+1].this_partition - 
+        wrapping = (mxf->op == OPAtom) ? ClipWrapped : 
mxf_get_wrapping_by_body_sid(s, p->body_sid);
-        if (p->essence_length < 0) {
-            /* next ThisPartition < essence_offset */
-            p->essence_length = 0;
-            av_log(mxf->fc, AV_LOG_ERROR,
-                   "partition %i: bad ThisPartition = %"PRIX64"\n",
-                   x+1, mxf->partitions[x+1].this_partition);
+        if (wrapping == ClipWrapped) {
+            p->essence_offset = p->first_essence_klv.next_klv - 
+            p->essence_length = p->first_essence_klv.length;

Much nicer

+        } else {
+            int64_t op1a_essence_offset =
+                p->this_partition +
+                round_to_kag(p->pack_length,       p->kag_size) +
+                round_to_kag(p->header_byte_count, p->kag_size) +
+                round_to_kag(p->index_byte_count,  p->kag_size);

Is this really always the case? I guess with OP1a it isn't a huge
concern since the demuxer will find the next essence packet anyway. But

I'm also fairly sure this is my code originally so.. :)

I think this tends to work well, if kag_size is not guessed. However, if it _is_ guessed, then there might be problems, and having a 0 kagsize is valid (only means an unknown KAG). So I am inclined to simply use p->first_essence_klv.offset unconditionally, as you suggested in


See the attached patch.

From 6ff3c549fa78caeb8bfddfbee9961ecd59ca7c5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marton Balint <c...@passwd.hu>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 21:46:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] avformat/mxfdec: simply use the first essence element for non
 frame-wrapped partition essence offset

Also add the canopus essence element to the list of the recognized essence
element keys.

Signed-off-by: Marton Balint <c...@passwd.hu>
 libavformat/mxfdec.c | 33 ++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavformat/mxfdec.c b/libavformat/mxfdec.c
index 8f43ef46b9..2ec778e280 100644
--- a/libavformat/mxfdec.c
+++ b/libavformat/mxfdec.c
@@ -719,18 +719,6 @@ static int mxf_read_partition_pack(void *arg, AVIOContext *pb, int tag, int size
         mxf->op = OP1a;
-    if (partition->kag_size <= 0 || partition->kag_size > (1 << 20)) {
-        av_log(mxf->fc, AV_LOG_WARNING, "invalid KAGSize %"PRId32" - guessing ",
-               partition->kag_size);
-        if (mxf->op == OPSONYOpt)
-            partition->kag_size = 512;
-        else
-            partition->kag_size = 1;
-        av_log(mxf->fc, AV_LOG_WARNING, "%"PRId32"\n", partition->kag_size);
-    }
     return 0;
@@ -2800,14 +2788,6 @@ static int mxf_parse_handle_partition_or_eof(MXFContext *mxf)
     return mxf->parsing_backward ? mxf_seek_to_previous_partition(mxf) : 1;
-static int64_t round_to_kag(int64_t position, int kag_size)
-    /* TODO: account for run-in? the spec isn't clear whether KAG should account for it */
-    /* NOTE: kag_size may be any integer between 1 - 2^10 */
-    int64_t ret = (position / kag_size) * kag_size;
-    return ret == position ? ret : ret + kag_size;
 static MXFWrappingScheme mxf_get_wrapping_by_body_sid(AVFormatContext *s, int body_sid)
     for (int i = 0; i < s->nb_streams; i++) {
@@ -2843,17 +2823,7 @@ static void mxf_compute_essence_containers(AVFormatContext *s)
             p->essence_offset = p->first_essence_klv.next_klv - p->first_essence_klv.length;
             p->essence_length = p->first_essence_klv.length;
         } else {
-            int64_t op1a_essence_offset =
-                p->this_partition +
-                round_to_kag(p->pack_length,       p->kag_size) +
-                round_to_kag(p->header_byte_count, p->kag_size) +
-                round_to_kag(p->index_byte_count,  p->kag_size);
-            /* NOTE: op1a_essence_offset may be less than to klv.offset (C0023S01.mxf)  */
-            if (IS_KLV_KEY(p->first_essence_klv.key, mxf_system_item_key_cp) || IS_KLV_KEY(p->first_essence_klv.key, mxf_system_item_key_gc))
-                p->essence_offset = p->first_essence_klv.offset;
-            else
-                p->essence_offset = op1a_essence_offset;
+            p->essence_offset = p->first_essence_klv.offset;
             /* essence container spans to the next partition */
             if (x < mxf->partitions_count - 1)
@@ -3066,6 +3036,7 @@ static int mxf_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
         av_log(s, AV_LOG_TRACE, "size %"PRIu64" offset %#"PRIx64"\n", klv.length, klv.offset);
         if (IS_KLV_KEY(klv.key, mxf_encrypted_triplet_key) ||
             IS_KLV_KEY(klv.key, mxf_essence_element_key) ||
+            IS_KLV_KEY(klv.key, mxf_canopus_essence_element_key) ||
             IS_KLV_KEY(klv.key, mxf_avid_essence_element_key) ||
             IS_KLV_KEY(klv.key, mxf_system_item_key_cp) ||
             IS_KLV_KEY(klv.key, mxf_system_item_key_gc)) {

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