> On Jun 5, 2018, at 1:17 PM, Marton Balint <c...@passwd.hu> wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Jun 2018, Dave Rice wrote:
>>> On Jun 4, 2018, at 4:21 PM, Marton Balint <c...@passwd.hu> wrote:
>>> The default memory allocator is limited in the max number of frames 
>>> available,
>>> and therefore caused frame drops if the frames were not freed fast enough.
>> I’ve been testing this patchset today. Yesterday I was occasionally getting 
>> “Decklink input buffer overrun!” errors with this command:
>> /usr/local/opt/ffmpegdecklink/bin/ffmpeg-dl -v info -nostdin -nostats -t 
>> 1980 -f decklink -draw_bars 0 -audio_input embedded -video_input sdi 
>> -format_code ntsc -channels 8 -raw_format yuv422p10 -i "UltraStudio Express" 
>> -metadata:s:v:0 encoder="FFV1 version 3" -color_primaries smpte170m 
>> -color_trc bt709 -colorspace smpte170m -color_range mpeg -metadata 
>> creation_time=now -f_strict unofficial -c:v ffv1 -level 3 -g 1 -slices 16 
>> -slicecrc 1 -c:a pcm_s24le -filter_complex 
>> "[0:v:0]setfield=bff,setsar=40/27,setdar=4/3; [0:a:0]pan=stereo| c0=c0 | 
>> c1=c1[stereo1];[0:a:0]pan=stereo| c0=c2 | c1=c3[stereo2]" -map "[stereo1]" 
>> -map "[stereo2]" -f matroska output.mkv -an -f framemd5 output.framemd5
>> With the patchset applied, I haven’t had that buffer overrun error re-occur.
> That is very strange, it should work the opposite way. Without the patch, the 
> decklink driver is dropping frames (silently), so you should never get a 
> Decklink input buffer overrun error message, but silent frame drops instead 
> if you don't release (transcode) the frames fast enough.
> With the patch, you won't get silent frame drops, but you might fill the 
> internal queue and therefore get Decklink input buffer overruns. On the other 
> hand, if you get Decklink input buffer overruns, that typically means that 
> your computer is too slow to handle transcoding in real time…

Trying to detect unreported dropped frames is why I added the framemd5 output 
as a second output. After the command runs, I would use this command

grep -v "^#” output.framemd5 | awk -F',' '$2!=p+1{printf p+1"-"$2-1" "}{p=$2}'

to report the ranges of pts that weren’t incrementing the pts by 1 within the 
pts. I had presumed that getting a gap in the pts within the framemd5 was 
corresponding with the buffer overrun error in the terminal output. I’ve tested 
a few hours of recorded with your patch applied and haven’t gotten any pts 
discontinuity in the framemd5s yet.

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