2018-06-03 19:57 GMT+03:00 Pedro Arthur <bygran...@gmail.com>:

> 2018-05-31 12:01 GMT-03:00 Sergey Lavrushkin <dual...@gmail.com>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > This patch introduces TensorFlow backend for DNN inference module.
> > This backend uses TensorFlow binary models and requires from model
> > to have the operation named 'x' as an input operation and the operation
> > named 'y' as an output operation. Models are executed using
> libtensorflow.
> Hi,
> You added the tf model in dnn_srcnn.h, it seems the data is being
> duplicated as it already contains the weights as C float arrays.
> Is it possible to construct the model graph via C api and set the
> weights using the ones we already have, eliminating the need for
> storing the whole tf model?


I think, it is possible, but it will require to manually create every
and specify each of their attributes and inputs in a certain order
specified by
operations declaration. Here is that model:
It is just a lot easier to store the whole model and not construct it
Another way, I think of, is to pass weights in placeholders and not save
them in
model, but it has to be done when session is already created and not during
loading. Maybe some init operation can be specified with variables
assignment to values
passed through placeholders during model loading, if it is possible. But is
it really crucial
to not store the whole tf model? It is not that big.
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