> On May 31, 2018, at 5:29 PM, Marton Balint <c...@passwd.hu> wrote:
> On Thu, 31 May 2018, Jonathan Morley wrote:
>> Thank you for the clarification, Dave. It might be that the Blackmagic 
>> approach to collecting timecode doesn’t work for that one source because it 
>> is in the horizontal space (HANC) instead of the vertical (VANC). I am not 
>> sure. Sadly I don’t think my solution is all encompassing, but it does seem 
>> to help in enough cases I would like to get it integrated with master.
>> I am still a bit thrown about the initial “Unable to set timecode” error, 
>> but believe it to be initialization related. I will wait to hear back from 
>> Marton on my overall approach and see what I can do to clean that up.
> av_dict_set returns < 0 on error, so the condition seems wrong.
>> As for the other error message my plan is to demote that to a debug.
> That is a good idea.


> On the other hand, I believe the usefulness of this is in its current form is 
> still very limited, because typically the first few frames are NoSignal 
> frames, how the end user supposed to know which frame is the one with the 
> first valid timecode?

In my testing the timecode value set here has corrected been associated with 
the first video frame (maintaining the timecode-to-first-frame relationship as 
found on the source video stream). Although only having first timecode value 
known is limiting, I think this is still quite useful. This function also 
mirrors how BlackMagic Media Express and Adobe Premiere handle capturing 
video+timecode where only the first value is documented and all subsequent 
values are presumed.

> I'd rather see a new AVPacketSideData type which will contain the timecode as 
> a string, so you can set it frame-by-frame.

Using side data for timecode would be preferable, but the possibility that a 
patch for that may someday arrive shouldn’t completely block this more limited 


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