On 28.05.2018 09:30, Xiang, Haihao wrote:
On Sat, 2018-05-26 at 17:29 +0100, Mark Thompson wrote:
On 25/05/18 07:57, Tobias Rapp wrote:
On 25.05.2018 07:58, Xiang, Haihao wrote:
On Thu, 2018-05-24 at 11:15 +0100, Mark Thompson wrote:

For example:

ffmpeg -i bt709_input.mkv -vf colorspace=bt2020 bt2020_output.mkv

will have the output file marked as BT.709 after this patch, where
it was "unspecified".  (Explicitly setting -color_primaries/-color_trc/-
colorspace on the output works in both cases.)

I agree with you it's not worse than before as we don't get the expected
in both cases.

Not quite: When a file says "I don't know this property value" you have a
chance to lookup the value somewhere else or use a default. When it says "I
know the value" and gives a wrong value, you completely loose trust.

Right, that is a compelling argument.  I agree with you, so I definitely won't
apply the patch in this form.

According the comment in avcodec.h, the color properties in AVCodecContext
should be set by user for encoding. I think ffmpeg is the user in the case
below. Where are the color properties set if we don't set the default values in

ffmpeg -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format
vaapi -i input-with-hdr.mkv -c:v hevc_vaapi -profile:v main10 output.h265

Setting color properties in init_output_stream_encode() basically looks OK, but the question "when" seems more important than "where". It should be called after some output frame is available, and use that to initialize the encoder. Currently the current AVFrame is not available in init_output_stream_encode(), only the buffersink properties.

Hopefully somebody with more knowledge about FFmpeg infrastructure will make a recommendation on how this should be solved: By adding color properties and other frame data to the buffersink interface? Or by making the current/last frame available in init_output_stream_encode()? Or ...?

It doesn't need to be auto-negotiated like in the mentioned patch series for color_range, it just needs to be forwarded properly from filter graph output to the encoder.


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